My last and short article is an apology. I know some of people expect me to recount the scariest things, the bloody events and unsolved crimes like that…
That was my intention, I swear! I was motivated by the ghost of Norma Desmond in “Sunset Boulevard”, persuaded that, in Hollywood, the most horrible crimes was nevertheless beautiful and spectacular. My first article matched with the original purpose. The combination was perfect: A director, his pregnant wife and satanistics murderers. But if you google “Sharon Tate murder” you’ll find others pictures that the one I’ve choose. These images are simply disgusting and made me a voyeur.
In the same time I realized that the most interesting part of my work was to make laugh with unlikely situations or insinuating. We have no rights to judge Woody Allen or Tom Cruise. All the more that they must be evaluated on their work instead of their private life. If it’s funny, then we can talk of it. And it’s always funny.